Claudia Antonini Bova
Coordinator of the Industrial Engineering career
Research areas
Teaching experience
Professional profile
Bachelor of Mathematics, USB 1992. PhD, ISyE, Gatech 2005. Expert in solving probabilistic and statistical problems for the design of large-scale simulated experiments, including: modeling, estimation and generation of stochastic processes indexed in time and space; data analysis, machine learning and estimation variance reduction techniques. Currently studying the agricultural supply chains of potatoes and mangoes in Peru by gathering information in the field and cross-checking with satellite demographic data. Has been a member of the academic development team that create the contact tracing tool app "Peru in your hands. He has more than 20 years of teaching experience between the Simón Bolívar University, in Caracas, Venezuela and the Georgia Technological Institute in Atlanta, USA, where she taught postgraduate courses in Industrial Engineering and at the University of Engineering and Technology in Lima, Peru. She has advised around 10 undergraduate and 3 master's thesis. She has been an active member of the MIT Scale Latam Network and leads the Agroindustry research area. He has refereed several articles for the Emerald Group and for the Winter Simulation Conference. She is the main author of the best research article in operations engineering and analysis of the magazine IIE Transactions, 2008. Second place Doctoral Pristker Award, 2006 granted by the Institute of Industrial Engineers IIE.Cargos
- Full-time professor in the Industrial Engineering career
- Coordinator of the Industrial Engineering career
Research areas
- Probabilistic and Statistical Problems for the design of large scale simulated experiments including modeling, estimation, and generation of stochastic processes indexed in time and space
- Food supply chain and retail operations
- Humanitarian Logistic
- Investigation of Operations - Deterministic Models I: Introduction to continuous, integer and mixed linear optimization, to the formulation of mathematical programs, and to the exact and approximate methods of solving optimization problems.
- A Discrete Choice Model for Retailer Selection in Emerging Markets. Link
- Managers' Knowledge of Key Performance Indicators in Small and Medium Enterprises: Wood and Timber SMEs in Peru. Link